Science Department Chair
Middle and Upper School Science Teacher
B.S. in Biology-Ecology and B.S. in Environmental Science with a minor in Geography from Minnesota State University, Mankato
M.A.T. from Rockford University
The recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Faculty Award and numerous Golden Apple nominations, Mr. Bye has extensive professional experience in addition to an impressive teaching resume. Before joining the Keith faculty, Mr. Bye worked on wetland and water quality policy for the National Wildlife Federation in Washington, DC, as a research assistant/temporary instructor at Iowa State University, as a lab technician for Baxter International, and as an environmental specialist for American Tower Corporation. At Keith, he is the Science Department Chair, teaches all of the middle school science courses, as well as the senior year environmental science course. Mr. Bye has been a guest instructor at Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens. Another contribution that he enjoys immensely is coaching. Since 2002, Mr. Bye has coached various sports including volleyball, basketball, and soccer. He also coaches our middle school FIRST Lego League and high school FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics teams. Mr. Bye has a daughter, Emery (Class of 2021), and a son, Tyler (Class of 2024).
To view David’s web site, click here.
Email: david.bye@keithschool.net
Phone: 815-399-8823