The Keith College Counseling Experience

We believe that helping students and parents prepare for life beyond Keith is a significant aspect of our educational process. In our college counseling program, we work closely with our high school students to identify colleges that will both challenge and prepare them for success. We assist students and their families in exploring the range of options available, taking into account specific programs and curricula, school cultures, geographic location, and specialized programs of interest.

The college counseling program at Keith School follows a student-centered approach that creates a partnership with student, parent and the Director of College Counseling.  Through a combination of individual attention and group instruction, students create robust and interesting portfolios, which differentiate their applications in the competitive college admission process.  Keith’s renowned academic experiences and unique signature programs such as the leadership academy, advising program, and Senior Capstone Project, allow students to pursue passions and discover and develop talents, which add meaningful depth to their applications.

The Director of College Counseling uses a wide network of professional connections to provide students with cutting-edge tools during their college search process. Regular events such as Parent Nights, Coffee and Conversations with Admissions Representatives, a bi-annual college tour, and an annual Essay Writing Workshop for juniors bring admissions representatives from around the country to the Keith campus.

For more information contact:

Charo Chaney
815-399-8850 x 184 

Naviance Family Connection

While students begin receiving college counseling information in kindergarten, the curriculum officially begins in sixth grade with the various college and career awareness activities.  Family Connection is a web-based program that allows each student to create and document their unique personal journey in career and college exploration. 

University or College Admissions Representatives

We invite admissions representatives to visit the Keith School throughout the school year.  To schedule a visit, please contact Charo Chaney,

Upper School Four-Year Plan:

Freshmen students create and follow a rigorous four-year plan of study which will include challenging courses and activities. Volunteer service hours and participation in student organizations are emphasized. Students learn to set goals, make decisions and develop their leadership skills.  Career exploration and possible college majors are introduced to students as college campus tours.

Sophomore students continue taking challenging courses and participating in student organizations and community service. College test preparation begins and the PSAT/NMSQT is taken. Students receive general information about the college application process through notices of college fairs, admission representative visits, and scholarships. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles in student organizations and participate in personal interest organizations outside of school.

Junior students officially kick-off the college application process in December.  They learn about SAT and ACT exams, the components of an admission application, visiting a college, conducting a college search and evaluating their interests, strengths, and academic and career aspirations. Juniors take a field trip to tour a college campus each spring semester. Students will also receive a college list from the director of college counseling.  This list of recommended colleges to consider is constructed using questionnaires completed by parents and students.

Senior students hit the ground running with individual meetings in September with the director of college counseling.  Students refine their college lists, seek recommendations, write essays, complete testing and meet application deadlines. Students become familiar with the federal financial aid process and learn about college scholarship searches. The process of selecting the college of matriculation and the transition from high school to college is the focus at the end of the semester.