Lower School PE Teacher
B.A. in Child Development from Rockford University
Mrs. Hanley is an experienced teacher with a background in physical education (PE), health, and special education. She holds a B.A. in Child Development from Rockford University.
Before joining Keith as lower school PE teacher, Mrs. Hanley taught PE and grade 10 health at Rockford Lutheran High School and Middle School. Prior to that she taught PE for preschool through grade 8 at All Saints Catholic Academy in Rockford.
Mrs. Hanley graduated from Rockford College (now Rockford University) with a degree in Child Development/Elementary Education. She has taught Winnetka and was an inclusion specialist for the W.S.S.R., which serviced all of the Park Districts in the West Chicago Suburbs.
In addition to teaching PE and health, Mrs. Hanley spent three years instructing in elementary special education classrooms and programs throughout the Winnetka Public Schools District 36.
Her passion for health and wellness extends outside the classroom, as she coaches volleyball and is a certified group fitness and spin instructor. Mrs. Hanley enjoys spending time with her husband and their three children and is active for and with the community, serving as an interim City Council member.